Douglas Adams

Who does this Douglas Adams fellow think he is? It has been suggested that Mr. Adams may infact actually be the character Arthur Dent. This has lead to speculation, which birthed conjecture, which in turn sparked debate, ultimately resulting in the start of the 42 minute war between the Jatravartids and the Hingefreel. This war proved to be the bloodiest in the history of the galaxy and was only stopped when a Grebulon suggested that they should all go to the local cantina and have a pint together.

Now what his official "earth" biography says doesn't help. It says he was born March 11, 1952 in Cambridge, England and died on May 11, 2001. While this information and the fact that he was a writer is confirmed, we can only speculate as to how he managed to write several stories about actual events involving the galactic president. These earthlings barely know how to temporarily escape their own planet, they have no way of knowing what's going on in the rest of the galaxy.

Hence why it is believed that he was somehow taken
from his planet and either experienced the events
himself, or learned about them via a drunk

Douglas Adams picture